Author name: Andrew Stephens

Curator Brenda L. Croft discusses the exhibition Still in my Mind at Charles Darwin University Art Gallery.

Trevor Dickinson discusses one of his muses: Canberra’s beautiful bus shelters.

Stephen Bennett discusses his new exhibition ‘New Found Voice’.

Caren Florance examines Elaine Camlin’s new exhibition ‘Microcosm: A World in Miniature’.

Mei Sheong Wong reviews the new exhibition ‘Collaborative Variations’ featuring various South Australian and interstate printmakers, artists and writers.

Monika Lukowska and Sarah Robinson discuss Vanessa Wallace’s new exhibition Reiterated Instant.

Andrea Huelin reviews the Inkmasters Print Exhibition 2018.

Nicolas Rivet speaks with artist Marco Luccio about his recent show Manhattan Dreaming, held at fortyfivedownstairs gallery.

Rivers of Gold explores how so many of us have no idea how waterways have been irrevocably altered by our search for that wondrous substance – gold.

Catherine Pilgrim’s new exhibition in Bendigo, under the Regional Centre for Culture initiative, helps generate new understandings of the histories that surround her in the goldfields region. Jacqueline Millner explores the show, ‘Mrs Larritt in Upside Down Country’.