Author name: Andrew Stephens

Dr Tim Mosely talks about an exhibition at Queensland College of Art in honour of the decennium the Iain Turnbull Memorial Award.

Jan Palethorpe discusses her new project with Jan Davis, GOLD, entered in the Geelong Acquisitive Print Awards.

Tony Ameneiro’s ‘Landscape with Rock’ exhibition raises questions regarding contemporary views of land ownership and environmental responsibility.

Tony Curran responds to political palettes in his new exhibition.

Jo Darvall discusses her Winged Realm project.

Inkfest is a biennial celebration of print.

Zelma Schulten explores the many fruitful partnerships involved in ‘Postcards from the North and South’.

Alison Alder, Marian Crawford and Richard Harding discuss NEWSROOM, offering an alternative visual experience of the relentless news cycle.

Emma Buswell, Print Award Coordinator, celebrates the entries in this year’s Fremantle Arts Centre Print Award, the 45th iteration of Australia’s longest-running print prize.

Vale Meg Buchanan (1949-2021). Among many, Dianne Fogwell mourns the loss of a friend and colleague.