Reach a dedicated audience of artists, printmakers, students, teachers and collectors. Our rates are competitive with a variety of advertisement sizes and rates to suit your budget.
Contact our Advertising and Membership Manager to book an advertisement in the next issue of IMPRINT or in the upcoming monthly e-newsletter at imprintadvertising@printcouncil.org.au.
The Print Council of Australia is a not for profit organisation, which receives no external funding. We rely on our membership and advertising revenue predominantly, along with other varied fundraising ventures, to continue to produce IMPRINT magazine.
In production since 1966, IMPRINT remains Australia’s only journal specialising in printmaking and artist books. Each issue is full of news and information of vital interest to the artist, teacher, student and collector. As well as individuals, our subscriber base includes tertiary and secondary institutions, arts organisations, museums, galleries and libraries, nationally and overseas.
IMPRINT Advertising
Download the 2023 Advertising Rates and Specifications
extra benefits
ALL adverts booked for this issue of IMPRINT magazine include: (additional value $350 minimum)
Social media posts placed across Facebook and/or Instagram
Inclusion in at least one of the monthly PCA E-Newsletters during the three month period that the issue covers (MARCH/APRIL/MAY)
Listing in ‘Australia in Print’ section of IMPRINT magazine if applicable
March / Autumn: bookings due 19 January | artwork due 26 January
June / Winter: bookings due 19 April | artwork due 26 April
September / Spring: bookings due 19 July | artwork due 26 July
December / Summer: bookings due 18 October | artwork due 25 October
Print ready artwork
All artwork is to be supplied as a high resolution pdf file with fonts embedded/outlined, 300 dpi. Indicate dimensions/size of advertisement booked. All images, logos and text must to be supplied CMYK.
Additional charges
If you are unable to supply artwork for advertising, please ask about IMPRINT‘s low-cost design services. Additional charges will apply for changes to existing artwork incorrectly supplied.
E-newsletter Advertising
Our monthly email newsletter is distributed to PCA members and subscribers across the country and internationally.
Members: $60.00
Non-members: $120.00
Bookings and artwork/content due by the last day of every month for the following month’s newsletter.
Email bookings and artwork/content to imprintadvertising@printcouncil.org.au.