Q: Who is Nationwide Curating and what is the Info-Rail?
A: Nationwide Curating, among other things, supplies and instals artwork display systems with a combined experience of over 40 years across the arts and construction industries. We have partnered with manufacturers of quality display mechanisms for our clients because It is important to the Nationwide Curating team, to source warranted, museum and gallery standard apparatus of the highest quality. The Info-Rail is a paper display product that we are extremely proud to represent, and we enjoy installing this product at competitive tradie rates.
Nationwide Curating is an online platform featuring Australian and New Zealand artists. We intentionally source a variety of opportunities to expose our artists work through the display of original artworks in the publicly accessible spaces of our business partners. We are interested in the activation of available wall spaces through our rotating exhibitions. We also offer other services such Mentoring, Consultation & Advisory, Curating and Project Management services.
Q: What were some of the underlying ideas for the design of this display system?
A: The Info-Rail paper display system is designed by Artiteq as a flexible, fast and easy way to display documents. The Info-Rail offers an orderly and functional display mechanism that is easy to install and has 10 years of warranty. Nationwide Curating quickly identified this system as a high-level product which would benefit printmakers specifically and we are excited to promote this system Australia wide by partnering with Print Council of Australia and IMPRINT Magazine. Furthermore, as a printmaker and teacher, I have found the Info-Rail to be an essential tool in my own arts practice and when teaching others and decided this product must be shared within our own niche printmaking demographic.
Schools usually hang the drawings and drawings of students on the walls in the classrooms and corridors. People often use all kinds of ways to hang these works: thumbtacks, nails, tape, and so on. This often damages the wall. The walls no longer look neat and must be regularly updated. We do not think this is a sustainable solution.
We have developed Info Rail to hang various work neatly and easily, without damaging the walls. The rail must be hung once and can be used easily and safely for a long period of time. We use special strips which are incorporated in the profile. Both paper and cardboard can be used in this strip. We also have many accessories that can be attached to the rail.
Q: How was it developed and what sorts of uses can it be applied to?
A: The Info-Rail has been developed for hanging artworks, photographs and documents using a double rubber clamping mechanism in the rail. When our business discovered this product, it was immediately apparent, this system was perfect for all printmakers. Paper from 80 g to cardboard 2 mm thick can be firmly clamped into the rail making this the ideal system for any project. This system is also extremely easy to install, after mounting the Click & Connect clips to the wall, the Info-Rails fit neatly over the clips. Available in lengths of 25, 50, 100, 200 and 300 cm and in white or aluminium, and 25, 100 and 200 cm in black, the Info-Rail can extend to any desired length as linking to other Info-Rail tracks is easy.
Q: How does it manifest on site – what are some examples of how it has been used?
A: This product has been installed at community art centres, private artist studios and educational facilities as the perfect system to view work on paper. This system means no more damaged walls from thumbtacks, tape and so on, and changing prints is fast and easy. Installations of the Info-Rail are typically inside creative spaces, hallways, and other common spaces for the exhibition of work on paper. Further to Nationwide Curating’s existing happy clients of community art centres, rectories, and private artist studios are the early child-care, secondary and tertiary institutions who we are also approaching currently because we know this product will enhance these facilities and the daily experience of all involved.
Q: Does this system have a special appeal for printmakers?
A: Printmakers love this product and install lengths to suit their studios as the rails can fit any wall length through the clip and connect system and variety of Info-Rail tracking lengths—available from 25cm right through to 3 meters. Artworks of any dimension can easily be pushed into the rails so printmakers can see the work front-on, an essential tool for work-in-progress. As such, this product allows the viewing of artist proof’s during the creation of artworks to be editioned, benefit printmakers viewing the consistency between editions and assist artists composing mono-prints by allowing consideration of each layer, in real-time. What’s more, as many printmakers teach classes and workshops, this product effectively de-clutters studio’s and assists in the critique of prints with minimum fuss.
This system can also be used for the exhibition of work on paper during an open-studio or other industry events essentially reducing framing costs and increasing profits during such ventures.
Katherine Kennedy, Manager
Ph: 0402 470 231
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